R2FID is a BT Low Energy 4.0 beaconing identification technology for the identification of Characters, 501st Legion Troopers, Builders, Astromechs such as R2 style units, MSE, Droidakas and Protocol droids.

R2FID Beacons are available in USB and a battery powered TAG form factor.

R2FID supports identification scanners that are compatible with Android, Arduino and iOS environments. 

For support on any of our applications, hardware or to acquire R2FID beacons, please contact us.

R2FID USB Beacon

Plugs into any USB charging port. Extremely low power consumption.

Purchase includes 2 years of Meta Data Cloud Services for serving your custom information for all users.  Once purchased, you will receive an email requesting additional information regarding your custom meta data.

These are suggested to be used for mounting inside of your Astromech.

R2FID USB + 2 years of Meta Data Service $49.00 (USD)


R2FID TAG Beacon

65mm x 35mm x 10mm

Extremely low power consumption. 

Includes a user replaceable 2032 button cell battery.

Color is SNOW white, has a soft rounded front,and flat back.

Purchase includes 2 years of Meta Data Cloud Services for serving your custom information for all users.  Once purchased, you will receive an email requesting additional information regarding your custom meta data.

These are suggested to be used on Lanyard for costumed character. Also easy to mount inside of your Astromech using 3M Command Strip. Battery should last about 10 to 12 Months.

R2FID TAG + 2 years of Meta Data Service $59.00 (USD)

iOS Applications

Currently there are two iOS applications available for R2FID, both are free to download and to use.

Scanner for R2FID - Scans your surrounding area for Characters, Droids, Troopers, Builders, and VIPs is your general area. Once it Scanner identifies an R2FID, it will display informaion as identified by the R2FID.

Scanner for R2FID is available on iTunes here.

Scavenger Hunt for R2FID - When your at your favorite fan convention, look for the Scavenger Hunt logo. You will participate in a real life scavenger hunt for items specific items prepared for your specific convention. Once you are with in range, you will receive a notification and will receive a badge showing you what you found.

Scavenger Hunt for R2FID is available on iTunes here.

Android Applications

Stay tuned…

© Royal Engineers of NABOO 2015